DEACON NOMINATIONS OPEN: Please be in prayer for the Lord's will in the selection of Deacons . Write nomination on sticky note next to mailbox and place in the white mailbox near the sanctuary doors by TODAY.
EMBER YOUTH VALENTINE’S ARTISTRY: Friday, February 10 at 6 pm Invite your friends for this food, fun, & faith party to celebrate Valentines Day.
MEN’S BREAKFAST: Saturday, February 11 at 9:30 am at Clare Big Boy. Guys and teens, come have a great breakfast and a great time with a teaching and fellowship.
LADIES COFFEE CONNECT: Saturday, February 11 at 10 am at Cops & Doughnuts in Downtown Clare. Sarah Watson will lead the devo for this month. Ladies & teens, join us for devos & fellowship (and maybe a doughnut and coffee!)
SUPER BOWL PARTY: Sunday, February 12 5 - 10 pm at Scott & Lisa Harper’s home (7561 White Birch Dr, Farwell (on Five Lakes). Get ready to root for your favorite team in the bowl game of the year!
MISSION MEAL & VISIT: Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30 pm. Marti and Brenda Roman, who serve in very sensitive locations, will join us to share what God has been doing through their mission. Sign up in the foyer to let us know you’re coming.
EMBER YOUTH CORE TEAM: Friday, February 17 6 - 8 pm. Practice for Core Team members.
SPECIAL GUESTS: MID-MICHIGAN ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE: Sunday, February 19 at 10 am. Invite family and friends to this special service to celebrate the freedom found in Christ!
EMBER YOUTH EVENT - VOLLEYBALLOON: Sunday, February 19 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Invite your friends to gametime!
ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING: Sunday, February 26. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration of God’s faithfulness in 2022. Members are strongly encouraged to attend. Bring a dish for the potluck before the meeting, then plan to and celebrate with us all God has done in our faith community.